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Updated: May 5, 2020

At the beginning of 2019, the Holy Spirit began showing me that some kind of attack (whether spiritual or actual) was on the horizon, however, I hadn't known that all these dreams were related to the same "event" and thus was unable to get a full understanding before the coronavirus hit the US.



From the parking lot of the airport, I saw 2 planes carrying “fire” coming into New York. As they launched the fire, I saw a 3rd one in the distance so I jumped into the car and yelled to my friends, "Drive!!! Fast!!!" But then I realized running wouldn’t help, only prayer was going to protect us.


I was touring a mansion in heaven and there was something mysterious about the owners. The husband was some kind of spy or watcher and the wife was very savvy about things that were happening. I heard their answering machine pick up a call in the husband’s strategy office and the person was saying something about the US, China and needing to track down some people who wanted to kill and destroy.

It was evening and the bright starts of the Orion constellation were shining in the sky. I was on a date with someone named “warrior” but he got sick and started puking blood. (In ancient times, the Orion constellation was the “hunter who came in December”. Amos 5:8 The Lord made the Pleiades and Orion; He turns the shadow of death into morning and makes the day dark as night. He calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out on the face of the earth.)


I was traveling with my boss (we were at Turnberry Miami) and told him that I had stayed at the Turnberry in Shanghai. Then I was at the airport and there was a girl who was sick and dying on the ground. I quickly ran over to her and told her she didn’t have to die, it was the medicines from the doctors killing her. They had lied about the meds and she didn’t even have the disease (a vaccine). She would live if she just stopped taking them.


I was in a meeting on a high floor of a skyscraper. Out the window we saw black storm clouds coming in, we could see “fire” swelling in the bottom of the clouds about to burst forth on the city. Then high winds kicked-in and the building started swaying. But our top floor seemed to be connected to a wire that went up into the heavens and it lifted our floor off the building and swung us in a circle around the city. We watched as the fire exploded on the city all around us and businesses and companies crashed and fell all around us. Miraculously, we never crashed nor got hit with the “fire”. When we had made a full circle, the wire set our company/floor back onto the building.

Then the wire took me to some Arabic neighborhood. People were frantic and kept trying to pick pocket me on the street. Sirens were going off and the neighborhood started going into lockdown and locking the gates around it. A girl named “Victory of the People” asked me how we were going to get out of the neighborhood. Then I noticed it seemed like we were in Manhattan. People and animals were trying to cross the river to get off the island. I knew I was going to have to stay back to help "Victory of the People."


Murder investigations were underway – the scene of the crimes had something to do with airplanes or airports.

There were bad people creating a weapon in a lab. As if through a magnifying glass, I saw a drop of the poison go into a beaker. They were creating a weapon to release in swarms. Then everybody was running and we tried to seal ourselves into a house but the weaponized “bees” could come in through the vents.

A child got infected. Chaos was everywhere.

Then one side of our office building got hit. I prayed for protection for everyone as the building began falling over and thankfully, no one was seriously injured in the fall. Another wire from heaven was brought in and it picked up our building and put it back on its foundation. The one side of the building still needed additional repair but we were able to go back to work while it was being restored.

I needed to get a passport for “CLEAR” status. (a "clear of infection passport" to return work?)


Two guys and I were going up the elevator but had to go back down because someone told us we weren’t supposed to be there. “Spiders” were still on the ceiling but they were fleeing so we were safe. (My two bosses and I were told we weren’t allowed in).

A coworker was laying on a bowl-shaped sofa bed and when he stood up I saw that a bug had laid eggs on him and spread. I yelled, “Get off the sofa!!” Then I was vacuuming everything (including him) trying to get rid of all the bugs. (This coworker gets COVID infection.)

One fell off and hit me in the eye, fortunately it wasn’t allowed to attach and harm me. I cleaned everything again to make sure we got rid of the bugs for good. (I did have a red bump, on my eye for the first 2 weeks of April, I thought it was from paint fumes, but now that I read this...)

Then I saw a moose. (A moose represents strength to survive.)

A spirit of bondage and fear was released for attack.

I went over to someone’s house named, “A True Image.” When I got there the boyfriend would sweep everything behind me. He kept wiping everything down and cleaning the walls obsessively but instead of making anything better, he was just wearing off the paint on his walls.

I was on a corporate league and everyone was wearing face masks – us and the opponents. The captain of the opponent tried to kiss me but as I pushed him away I noticed his face was hard like he was hiding behind an even more protective mask.


I had to prevent the delivery of something to a tech company through prayer.

I was restoring floorboards in an attic that was my bedroom because high winds & storm waters were coming through (a good thing). (Funny enough, I did restore my floors during the first part of quarantine.)

A group of kids were building some monkey bars and I was really impressed. (My neighbors built monkey bars in their backyard on April 11th for their kids during quarantine – I was actually impressed and took a photo.)


I was riding down the street to go to my boss's house because for some reason we were setting up a home office. I wasn’t sure if I’d be working there too or what the situation was.

I was searching for food but the grocery stores were out. I finally found some strawberries.

Evil spirits were trying to attack people’s minds with anxiety, oppression, mental illnesses and such. There was also a "hypnotic" spirit of fear sent to attack.

Next we were going to work in a new skyscraper. The elevators were like benches on the outside of the building that went up & down but there was no safety bar that went over people so the higher it went, the scarier it was. Each time somebody tried to go to the floor of their office, a rider would get sick and the "elevator" would have to go back down so the sick person could get off. I said to someone, “thankfully we own the building now so could put in safety measures to keep people secured.”

April 29 update: my work announced we were moving into a new building (skyscraper) next week

I was sitting in a traffic jam when someone said, “get ready because the prophecies are about to get moving.” (2 weeks later COVID hit the streets of China).

Then I was taking my boss to the airport. As I was standing out in the airfields, I saw 2 planes coming in and realized they were enemy planes, the first one shot “fire” at us. All the people started running towards the buildings. I saw another plane approaching. I yelled to the people to not run to the buildings because that’s where the enemies would aim because they knew it would do the most damage. I yelled we needed to lay low outside, they wouldn’t "bomb" what seemed to be empty space.

But everyone ran into the buildings in panic. Then I saw a tree with a branch from God so I ran, climbed it and laid flat on the branch and was hidden from the attack.

December 2019

I heard one of my coworkers asking a girl how she would handle the mail. I said, “oh I don’t mean to interrupt but I have an idea…” I then proceeded to tell them the receptionist could unsubscribe to all the junk mail and we could divide the mail per department and then that department’s assistant could get it and distribute accordingly to her team. (I end up doing the mail – in this fashion - during quarantine.)


My dream was interrupted by a phone call (in the dream) that said, “Don’t go to Europe or Asia.” So I was trying to figure out what to do with all my time off instead. (3 days later we’re sent home for quarantine).


Any and all words, dreams & visions that I hear/see from the LORD are electronically documented and time stamped that day for verification.


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